Don’t Fear the Accounting Firms: We’re Only Here to Help!

Tax season is upon us once again. Many dread this time of the year for a handful of reasons, while others look forward to receiving their tax returns. No matter where you stand on taxes, it’s always useful to get a helping hand. If you’re in the El Paso area, Clifford, Ross, Raudenbush & Cooper, […]

How CPA Firms Provide Assistance to Businesses of All Sizes

CPA firms aid business owners in a variety of ways. With the guidance of a firm, business owners will be able to proceed positively and avoid serious pitfalls that could put their companies in jeopardy. But what’s the difference between CPA firms and accountants? The answer may surprise you. Clifford, Ross, Raudenbush & Cooper, LLC […]

A Brief History of Money from CPA Firm Experts

Modern society runs on money. Between bartering, banking, and budgeting, we spend much of our time dealing with monetary exchange. The acquisition and transaction of money have become second nature to us. For this reason, the exchange of currency forms the backbone of societal structure.  Naturally, various careers have formed out of the necessity for […]